George Washington University
1978 – Present
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Statistics
Lecture on longitudinal data analysis, mathematical statistics, general linear model, probability, time series analysis, design of experiments, regression, and analysis of variance. Conduct seminars on data integration and data visualization.
U.S. Census Bureau
2004 – 2012
Senior Advisor
Advise on Bureau-wide strategies, planning, implementation, and operation of data visualization and dissemination
Director, Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Program
Direct an innovative program to build a 21st-century longitudinal statistical system that covers every worker, employer, and job in the United States, integrating data sources that already exist and producing creative new data and products about the U.S. workforce and jobs for stakeholder and public use at unprecedented levels of detail, while still protecting confidentiality of the original respondents.
Recognized in the United Nations as U.S. statistical innovation in 2008: OnTheMap – An Innovative Mapping and Reporting Tool
U.S. Department of Transportation
2002 – 2004
Acting Chief Statistician, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Authority on statistics and adviser to the Director of the Bureau, providing technical leadership and guidance for the agency’s scientific research, methodological design, standards and definitions, and confidentiality protection program. Also acts as coach, consultant and agency representative as warranted.
Director, Departmental Office of Civil Rights
Serve as principal adviser to Secretary of Transportation and Department executives regarding civil rights and equal opportunity issues in the aftermath of 9/11.
U.S. Department of Energy
2000 – 2002
Director, Office of National Ombudsman
Serve as principal adviser to Secretary of Energy for building trust and leading change to a diverse, respectful and productive workplace in the Department of 25,000 government employees and 100,000 contractors in the aftermath of events that seriously damaged workforce confidence and morale. Charged with eliminating racial profiling; monitoring and reviewing diversity management matters; resolving workforce disputes; and promoting cultural understanding.
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1981 – 2000
Deputy Director, Office of Civil Rights
Manage policy and planning, systems integration for tracking and processing complaints, Internet and Intranet applications and Year-2000 compliance. Also responsible for compliance reviews, budget, finance, human resources, training, and administrative functions.
Chief Statistician, Agricultural Marketing Service
Lead statistical applications in domestic grading and inspection systems for agricultural products, and serve as statistical expert for U.S. delegations in international negotiations on agricultural issues. Manage user-fee program to provide consulting, processing and applied research services on statistical sampling, risk assessment, probability calculations, quality control, automation, inspection and grading procedures, method development, test and evaluation, standardization, market news and econometrics.
System Planning Corporation
1978 – 1981
Research Staff
Analyze peak load patterns and requirements of the U.S. Postal Service and the feasibility and performance of the Maverick missile, night vision technology, and radar mounted on Blackhawk helicopters for the U.S. Department of Defense.
The World Bank
1972 – 1978
Research Staff
Project annual disbursements of World Bank loans and estimate the borrowing requirements for the loan portfolios.
East China Normal University
Shanghai, China
Director, Big Data Innovation Center
Tsinghua University
Beijing, China
Senior Adviser, Center for Chinese Entrepreneur Studies
The Innovations in “Local Employment Dynamics” Partnership Award, Census Bureau
U.S. Census Bureau Director’s Innovation Award
Public Service
Experienced government executive (retired) excelled in program management and quality, new product development, and achievement of results
Award-winning innovative agent of change in the application of statistics and information technology
Long-time community leader passionate with education, justice, leadership training, diversity, and advancement of U.S.-China relationship
George Washington University
B.A. Statistics, 1970 – 1974
M.A. Statistics, 1975 – 1976
Ph.D. Statistics, 1977 – 1983
Western High School, U.S., 1969 – 1969
Chatham High School, Hong Kong, 1964 – 1968
Committee of 100 美国百人会
2014-2020 Board of Directors; 2014-2016 DC Region Co-Chair; 2011-2012 Survey Committee Co-Chair; 2003- Member
2014-2020 董事会; 2014-2016 华盛顿地区共同主席; 2011-2012 调查研究委员会共同主席; 2003- 会员
Cosmos Club
2014- Member
2014- 会员
Asian American Government Executives Network 美国亜裔政府资深主管協会
2002- Advisory Committee; 2011 Conference Chair; 1998-2000, 2002 Chair
2002- 咨询委员会; 2011 年会主席; 1998-2000, 2002 主席
Asian Americans in Energy, the Environment and Commerce 美国亜裔能源环境商业協会
2014 Senior Advisor; 2011-2014 Board of Directors
2014 高级顾问; 2011-2014 董事会
American Statistical Association 美囯统计学会
2005 Nomination Committee Chair
2005 提名委员会主席
Organization of Chinese Americans 美华協会
1999-2001 Vice Chair, DC Chapter
1999-2001 华盛顿分会副主席
Asian Pacific American Network in Agriculture美国亜太裔农业協会
1994-1997 Chair
1994-1997 主席
International Chinese Statistical Association 泛华统计学会
1988- Lifetime Member
1988- 终身会员