Asian American Populations by Congressional District ( 2015 | 2014 | 2013 )
Based on 2014 U.S. Census Bureau Estimates
Click on any part of the U.S. map to view results; move and zoom into the map as you wish. Read this blog for background information and this blog for the 2015 data update.
Do you have asian and Chinese distribution maps by census block?
Sorry, the Census Bureau does not release such data at the census block level. There are about 11 million census blocks in the nation. Statistics at such a detailed level would raise privacy and accuracy concerns.
Thanks for you work, very useful!
This is really helpful. Is it possible to add in Asian American population as % of total population in districts? Raw counts are really useful. I would like to compare that to % of population by district.
The average size of a congressional district is around 730,000 so you may get an approximate percentage as a rule of thumb. Technically, it would require the 5-year total population estimate of each congressional district to compute the exact %. I apologize that it would take too much efforts for me to get these population estimates at this time.